
For maths we have been learning how to create nets and understand how 3d shapes are made. We have also learnt how to enlarge and shrink shapes to make them bigger, or smaller.


In writing we have been learning how to complete a starting sentence for report writing for our chosen animal. If you were to do a report, what would you  write about? 

Core learning

During core learning (writing) we have been doing report writing.  We have also learnt how to write a beginning of a sentence for a report. What type of writing do you like to do?

What is Media?

In this activity we were learning about forms of media, and how much we have used in the last 24 hours. How much media have you consumed in the last 24 hours?


Today K14 was sharing their speeches that we’ve been doing for 7 weeks. We transferred them onto palm cards to make it easier to share our writing. It was really fun listening to everyone’s persuasive topics on why we should, or shouldn’t do something.

Kind Kingdom

In this game, I have learnt to be kind and spread good vibes. It was fun jumping from place to place sharing love to others who need it. What is your favourite game?



In P.E my friend and I both made a presentation on a new game that we’ve made up. In order to create this game, we decided to mix together Tag and American Football. Our game is called Fourteedeen. Do you know any other games that are mixed?